You will discover in this brief presentation how to Expand Your Impact & Empower More People without getting stuck with other people’s energy -- Even if you are already very advanced in your healing work!!
There is great Love for you even though it may not feel like it at times. You’re being prepared for something great.
There is a Universal Guidance leading you towards something Sacred and it’s time to step into your Greatness, your Abundance, and living the Life of your Wildest Dreams.
The Universe has given you a Mission, are you willing to RISE into it?
I know, for you, the answer is YES!
I’ve been helping others to awaken, heal and ripen their gifts for the last 24 years, and now I am ready to help you do the same!
I always loved the idea of speeding up spiritual progress and this was what led me to Nepal in 1998 to become a Yoga Instructor and then get initiated into Kriya Yoga in 1999. I have always been a committed seeker, taking my spiritual development very seriously.
I have always been a committed seeker, taking my spiritual development very seriously.
I love my yoga and meditation practice, and no matter how many hours a day I would practice, I still experienced that things would shift and change very slowly.
And when I learned that is was written in Lahiri Mahasaya’s diary that they, back then, would meditate and practice deep Pranayama 10+ hours daily for decades in order to liberate themselves, I opened my heart to new practices. Soon thereafter, I realized that my vibration was not high enough to sustain the spiritual and healing energy, and so nothing I did was penetrating deeply enough!
I questioned how my vibration could be low, when Divine Light’s vibration is so high? And I started experimenting with channeling Divine Light into myself and into all areas of my life, including my body, aura, mind, astral and causal bodies that needed healing, so I could be uplifted, purified and renewed…
And it worked!
Through the Power of Blessed Mantra Transmission and Ecstatic practices, I released generations of karmic blockages.
Divine Light lifted my vibration to a whole new level! This gave me access to deeper work, and suddenly, my healing practices purified aeon’s of negativity, with even less effort than before! Instead of struggling, my newly Awakened high vibration made everything work better!
My intuition functioned more clearly, and I was able to release the blockages that were holding me back.
After a decade of perfecting this practice, I now offer it to you as a complete healing modality that will purify you deeply, awaken your intuition, raise your vibration and empower you to help your clients in ways that you previously couldn’t even fathom, fast! So fast, in fact, that it is called…
And I want to offer you a chance to learn about this precious modality and how you can take it into your practice as one of your main tools to help support your clients.
Truly, by learning this, you will unleash your healer within!
Rise to levels of leadership that you may have assumed were unavailable to you!
Then it’s possible to safely and effectively process the memory, deactivate and dissolve it. Then the pattern will break and you will be free.
It’s like if you have a wound that is infected under the scar and not able to properly heal. The Lightning Soul Renewal Process is like the cleaning of the wound so you can heal at all levels.